Untitled… Seriously No Title…

You have a voice

Everyone has something to share
All of us have at one time gone through hurt
The hurt that we think no one can understand
We fight battles everyday of our lives
We work for money to pay bills
We go home to the same ol’ thing
Thinking of ways to make changes in our  lives
It starts in our heart
Don’t turn away from people that tell you to keep moving forward
From people that try to give you encouragement
We fight battles everyday of our lives
Routine, routine…
Man on the side the street, you think he is homeless, truth is he just wants to get some fresh air.
The girl walking with a kid you think is her own, but is really her sister
The woman at the grocery store that you want to leave a tip for, but she has more tips for you than you could even think of
The kids in the mall that are in a group, causing a big fuss, you think it is foolishness, but they are talking about making changes in their city.
We fight battles everyday of our lives
Routine, routine…
It’s the same thing, we judge others with the typical cliche thinking that they are all the same.
What we see on the outside does not tell what the spirit is on the inside.
We get caught up in following the status quo, and trying to be like everyone else and we loose ourselves.
We forget who we are, we forget our name.
We fight battles everyday of our lives
Routine, routine…
What are you thinking, really take a second to analyze yourself.
Who are you??
What do you want to do with your life??
Don’t waste your life…
Drugs, depression, trying to be someone else, forgetting yourself.
It isn’t worth it.
You judge others, but they know who they are.
Do you know who you are??
Who are you trying to be??
Let go of routine, routine, and let God intervene…

Something New and Totally Random… (Things Will Work Out)

Here it goes…. ready?? READ…


Running, running to nowhere.

Looking, looking for something.

We think that we have everything under control, we are given the laws and the rules, but we bite the hand that feeds.

We think that we know better, we think that we have everything under control, that we can face any situation and handle it with no problem.

The puzzles we face, we try to put things together, like everything has to make sense.

If we cannot see it then it is not real.

What is real, if we have to see everything.

From the inside out, he knows who we are.

What else is there to believe in, other than the one who created us to be who we are.

If we do not  have a clue about life, then who else can we turn too.

It is a long way home.

A long way home.

Where can we go??

In the mean time this life that we walk through, the life that we are given should not be wasted.

People say, YOLO like it is cool.

It is not cool… just because someone said it, wrote it, tweeted  it, and gave it life.

It does not have a meaning.

Think about it, would you rather be not of this world and do the right things, follow God’s word, and his will for your life, or YOLO, you only live once, do what you want, give and take, hurt and not care, make mistakes just because you can… like it is okay to live reckless.

Which would you rather??

What is the truth??

What brings joy to God??

What are you living for??

What is truth if you push it under the rug, let it sit on your bookshelf, pass it by every now and then and ignore it.

You give it a flip, a flip of a few pages, you give it a nod when you find what you need to hear, and throw it away because everything is good… life is great.

No fights, no arguments no depression, no fears, not doubts, no cloudy days…

The true is that you should praise him every day, no matter your circumstance…

No matter what you face, give him glory and thanks.

It may be hard, but once you give your life to him completely, everyday will be worth it.

Everyday will make sense, everything will be okay.

Yes you will be faced with days of doubt, wondering about his will for your life.

You go on thinking was this a right decision, what you really needed.

In the end it will all be worth it, and you will have nothing to fear.

Whatever your questions are about CHRISTIANITY, I am sure you are questioning people like me for a reason.

I am sure that you will be faced with a challenge to strengthen your faith walk, and will know exactly what to do.

Don’t let others tell you something that is a lie… don’t let them convince you that they are right.

If they are on the wrong path, then do not follow them… you will only sink down with them.

All other ground is sinking sand, on Christ’s solid rock I stand.

If you think that you know it all, hey you are wrong.

Get it together…



Listen to the word of God, and don’t let anyone stand against it.

His word is true…

Everything will be fine, everything will be alright.

There are tough days, but the truth will come through…

Romans 8, 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.





Hello… O_o

Hello readers. It has been a while since I have written anything for the ink is full. Yes, this I know. Don’t worry, I will come up with something like always. After all, you cannot chase inspiration, you have to let it come to you.

For futher information, and updates about what I have been inspired by, or an opinion on something from my view… check out my other blog, The Writer’s Thoughts.

Link below…


Also follow me on Twitter, @stephsaidthis2…

Thanks for reading, comments are welcome, I will reply.

